
Turning Passion into Power

and Careers into Callings.


Transforming Leaders: Customized Business Solutions for Professionals

There is a space between what we are and who we are becoming whether its our business, our team or ourselves.  Knowing how to navigate and support transformation is what I do.

The goal?  To give you the tools and the guidance to live every day the goals that are in your head in the real world.

What’s required?  That’s for us to find out together.  It’s your future- it’s your passion and it’s your legacy.

When change is in front of you who will you partner with to make the plans you have a reality?  Who will help you find your “true north”?

Let’s talk- about what’s possible and what you need to see it through.

“Values based leadership and cultural change is the new competitive advantage that professionals need to have to impact their industries.”

– Jodi Tucker

Transformational- Servant Leadership (TSL) and its foundational principles are the cornerstone of Jodi’s approach to corporate and personal development practices.  Identifying core values and beliefs through structure analysis and established TSL principles is the vehicle that Jodi uses to identify specific needs around change management and implementation.

The scope of TSL and consults for businesses and individuals is based on Jodi’s unending personal determination to lead with empathy, listening and compassion.  The results are seen in knowledge and skills to answer and take action in response to:

What is right?

What is good?

What is true?

Find your answers in an engaged, reflective process built with you in mind.

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