Strong Women: It’s Time to Take Off the Cape and Boots
Being strong is a statement of contradiction for most women I…
January 16, 2017/by Jodi Tucker
Empathy: How You Use Compassion Dictates Your Bottom Line
There are so many variations on what it means to serve your customer-…
February 23, 2016/by Jodi Tucker
Listening: Can You Hear What I’m Not Saying?
Communication is a funny thing. We all do it yet some people…
December 10, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
Naked In The Crowd: The Risk of Revealing You
For years I felt that there was a standard or expectation of…
November 29, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
Addressing Toxic Culture: When Your Competitive Edge Cuts Like A knife
Over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending a TedX event…
November 24, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
More Than Just a Group Hug: Delivering Solutions Is The Goal Of Leadership
I had a phone call today with a business owner that I have done…
November 17, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
Conflict: How To Manage It, Use it and Succeed As A Team!
Conflict is a natural part of being with people and is often…
November 12, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
The High Cost of Low Expectations: Teams That Foster Low-Trust Are Ones To Avoid
Within the disability and mental health sector there are a multitude…
October 26, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
Is Being A Team Just A Dream: A Revealing Look At The IEP Process
This is the season for intensive interactions between parents…
September 30, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
Why Putting Yourself First Is Unselfish (Self-Care Is Not What You Think It Is)
You may have been told (over and over) that it is important for…
September 11, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
What You Read Determines Your Success
It's important to me for people to see what it is that I do to…
September 8, 2015/by Jodi Tucker
Will The Real You Please Stand Up!: Why Authenticity Matters
Establishing yourself inside of a professional community and…
September 7, 2015/by Jodi Tucker